We are delighted to inform you that Tim Hoyle has agreed to become the new President of Huddersfield Textile Society. Tim, former MD at Bower Roebuck will be taking over at our AGM in April. We wish Tim all the best in the role as President and the society's future is once again in good hands.
Our AGM is confirmed to take place at the Textile Centre of Excellence on Monday 25th April, 6pm for a 6.30pm start. All members welcome
Dear members
I trust that this announcement finds you and your family safe and well. I am writing to further update you regarding the current position here at Huddersfield Textile Society and how it affects you, our members.
The committee have decided to defer the AGM to a time when normality is resumed. This means that all future events are postponed until further notice.
On a positive note I can confirm that once again, Huddersfield Textile Society will be supporting the University, by offering awards for the best students in five different textile and print categories. As usual the standard of work is to a high level.
Good luck to all on what will be a very difficult decisions for our judges!
All the work can be viewed by following the link https://radar.hud.ac.uk/
In the meantime, please stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all soon.
The President
Thank you to everyone who attended the Huddesfield Textile Society 2019 Annual Dinner on 11th April.
Mike Mordente from Huntsman Textile Effects guided the audience through the key drivers behind the huge potential of the slow to grow technology of digital textile printing.
The Society’s December lecture was delivered by Hareesh Kallambella, Senior Production Manager at Burberry Mill, who rewarded the audience with a lively and thought provoking talk.
We were pleased to see such great attendance for our November lecture on transparency in the textiles industry, delivered by Mark Sumner of the University of Leeds School of Design.
We were delighted to have seen such a great turnout for our October lecture where Steven Parsons, Brand & Business Development Manager for Wools of New Zealand, gave us a real insight into how they are working to bridge the gap between themselves and their customers to deliver more sustainable textiles.
We are pleased to welcome the new President of Huddersfield Textile Society, Richard Brook, who commenced his two-year term on 9 July 2018.